The Modern Agency Recruiter

‘You’ll be finished at 40’. ‘ What?’ ‘They won’t need you after that’…. Career guidance. My first week as a junior consultant. Why did I make this terrible ‘career’ choice’? Like most of us, I arrived here by default. A humanities graduate, struggling in temp jobs. Whilst the science and technology graduates were starting training […]

Paris Recruitment : The candidate experience

Please note that this article is targeted at international HR professionals and international hiring managers who are looking to recruit employees in Paris. As a Paris based, Anglo-French recruiter, my most valuable service has previously been the local insights I can provide to my international clients looking to build their staff base here. This includes […]

Paris et le dividende du Brexit ? Le secteur bancaire

For the last four years, I have regularly been asked by people on both sides of the Channel about the ‘Brexit’ effect on banking and markets recruitment in Paris. Because politics often crowds out reality, this is a difficult question to answer. If you look to the French media, the Choose France initiative, and the […]